Say No To Drugs

(click lesson plans to view)

Lesson plan # 1

Lesson plan # 2

Lesson plan # 3

Say No To Drugs

(click lesson plans to view)

Lesson plan # 4

Lesson plan # 5

Lesson plan # 6

Say No To Drugs-Say Yes To Education Culture & Golf.
Di No a la Droga
Di Si a la Educacion,
Cultura y Golf.
Di non a Dwog- Di Oui a Edukacion, Culture et Golf. 

--- Just The Facts ---

“Mind Over Matter” was produced under contractNo. NO1 DA-3-2401 for the Office of Science Policy and Communications, National Institutes of Health. Cathrine A. Sasek, Ph.D. served as scientific advisor and Project Officer. All materials in the “Mind Over Matter” series are in the public domain and may be reproduced without permission.

There is no copyright on any of the materials available through NIDA InfoFacts, and all can be reproduced for further distribution.

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